Learn to Affirm

Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." 

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.

You might consider affirmations to be unrealistic "wishful thinking." But try looking at positive affirmations this way: many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think and act differently.

Research shows that affirmations can help you to perform better at work. It can calm your nerves, increase your confidence, lower stress and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

What's more, affirmations have been used to sucsesfully treat people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health conditions. And they have been shown to stimulate the areas in our brains that make us more likely to effect positive changes in regard to our health.

This study, suggests that a stronger sense of self-worth makes you more likely to improve your own well-being. So, for example, if you're worried that you eat too much and don't get enough excercise , using affirmations to remind yourself of your values can spur you on to change your behavior.



You can use affirmations in any situation where you'd like to see a positive change take place in your life. These might include times when you want to:

  • Raise your confidence before presentations or important meetings.
  • Control negative feelings such as frustration, anger, or impatience.
  • Improve your self-esteem.
  • Finish projects you've started.
  • Improve your productivity.
  • Overcome a bad habit.

Affirmations may be more effective when you pair them with other positive thinking and goal-setting techniques.

For instance, affirmations work particularly well alongside visualisation  So, instead of just picturing the change you'd like to see, you can also write it down or say it aloud using a positive affirmation.

Affirmations are also useful when setting personal goals. Once you've identified the goals you'd like to achieve, affirmative statements can help you to keep yourself motivated in order to achieve them.

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It's useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (write them down on a post it and stick it on your mirror!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome. 

Affirmation statements usually target a specific area, behavior or belief that you're struggling with. The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.

  • Think about the areas of your life that you'd like to change. 

  • Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable.  

  • Turn negatives into positives. 

  • Write your affirmation in the present tense.                                   
  • Say it with feeling 

By definition, your affirmation will be personal to you, and specific to what you want to achieve or change, but the following short examples may provide some inspiration:

  • I have plenty of creativity.
  • My work will be recognized in a positive.
  • I can do this!
  • People respect and value my opinion.
  • I am successful.
  • I am smart.
  • I like completing tasks and projects on time.
  • I'm grateful for the life I have.
  • I enjoy working with my team.
  • I'm bringing a positive attitude.
  • I am excellent at what I do.
  • I am generous.
  • I am happy.
  • I will be a leader.

Change starts with your mindset 💛!

Check out Healing Monologues

for some light reading ;)