Romanticizing your life

One of the best things you can do for yourself, is create a life that is filled with beautiful moments, slow and romantic. So often, we fall into the rut of "work, eat, sleep" repeat. And we act as if our life is something that is happening to us, instead of us happening to life.

We watch romantic comedies, cute TV shows, videos of our favorite YouTubers, and we look at them as if having a beautiful life is something completely unattainable. Something that other people get to have, and we don't. But that's simply not the truth.

The truth is that we are just as deserving of a beautiful life filled with romance and butterflies and beauty, as anyone else.

So how can we create this?

We create this by taking every opportunity throughout the day, to romanticize our lives.

Romanticizing your life is a fancy way of saying you take the mundane, daily task, and turn it into something wonderful. Something beautiful.

It's all about turning the ordinary, into the extraordinary. Because every day has the potential to be the best day ever. If only we give it a chance.

Life is for the living 

Here are:

8 ways how you can start to romanticize your life ✨ 

1. Spend time with yourself 

Do not be afraid to do things alone. Even if it means taking yourself out on a date. Being out alone does not make you look lonely, it makes you look important. Spending time with yourself is so rewarding. You'll end up falling in love with yourself. And if you don't like yourself spend time alone to see why. Because if you are not happy alone you won't be happy with anyone else. 

Do things that you love to do. Really learn what you enjoy doing without having that influence of someone else, I really love to blast my speakers and have solo dance parties. Practice your love language on yourself. The truth is you can only meet people as deeply as you have met yourself, so go meet yourself. 


2. Wear what you want 

I personally love to dress up every chance I get. There is no such thing as a special occasion. Everyday is a special occasion. If you want to wear your Sunday best to the store, do it! And if you want to wear your pyjamas you can do that to! What you wear will always radiate and if you love your outfit it will give you that confidence boost. You are the main character of your story, start acting like it!

3. Do you!

That tattoo/ piercing you want to get, go get it. You want to dye your hair? Do it! 

That thing you really want to start, the best time to start that is now! Where you are with what you have. Just start, there will never be a better time. Start that business. Start that YouTube channel.

Take risks, join that competition. Text your crush, today!

I was vegetarian for the first 50 days of this year, apart from the health benefits, i did it just because I felt like it. There is no better explanation. And that's what I'm trying to communicate, you don't need to have reasons. Just do what you feel like doing! 

Stop letting the judgment of others restrict the way you live. Live on your own terms. No one cares and if they do that says more about them. But of course be smart with your decisions, everything has consequences.

4. Invest in yourself 

One activity I recommend everyone does is:

Get a notebook and pen and answer the following 

 •Envision your highest self, describe him/ her

 •What does he/she do everyday? 

 •How does he/she dress? Can you start dressing like so?

 •What habits are you doing that she/he is not going to be doing? Can you stop? 

 •What habits does he/ she have? Can you start doing these now?


Invest in yourself, have a spa day. do self care Sundays. Journal. Workout. Eat healthy. Drink your water. Pray. Learn a new language. Buy that thing you want don't wait for someone to buy it for you. Invest in your room. Make it the nicest place possible. This is the place you spend most of your time,make sure its an enjoyable space. 

Give yourself the life you desire.

5. Slow living

Slow living refers to a lifestyle that encourages a slower approach to aspects of everyday life. Movement or action at a relaxed or leisurely pace.

Slow living is embracing the fact that you are not doing it all. You are doing less but doing it better. 

“It’s about knowing and passionately loving the things we value. And designing our lives to spend the most time possible enjoying them. It’s about having intention and consciousness in our activities. About escaping the mindless scrolling and unproductive multi-tasking and focusing on purposeful action.” — Kayte Ferris

Its so easy to get caught up in a meaningless  everyday cycle that is so repetitive you could do  it in your sleep. But slow living is being present, its intentional and its about connecting. Speed does not matter forward is forward.

Next time you drink that cup of coffee/ tea make sure you actually take time to drink and enjoy it. Or with your next meal, don't just eat because you have to, stop and take in every bite and taste all the flavors. Next time you drink water, drink it out of a wine glass. Don't multitask, do one thing wholeheartedly. Walk slower, speak slower. Spend less time online and more time outside. 

Make a soothing playing and play it while you are studying, working, bathing or cooking. 

Most importantly, set boundaries, NO is not a bad word.

6. Be confident

Be confident on the fact that you are exactly where you need to be and everything is happening for your good. Stop hiding out or being afraid. Stop saying you can't do it. Stop the negative self talk. Stop putting it off for tomorrow. 

Stop crying over what happened and take control of what's happening next. Get up right now. Rise up from where you have been and start again. 

Be confident in the fact that life is not a race. We are all going to different destinations so the road will be different. You don't have to get something accomplished by a certain age. Move at your own pace. You are not behind. Stop treating where you are as a transitioning period. Be present. Enjoy now!

Be confident in knowing that the presence of someone else's talents, beauty and success is not the absence of your own.

And be confident in seeing others flourish by celebrating them, because you know your time will also come!

7. Appreciate your environment 

Spend as much time outside as possible. I like to sit outside and journal. Its so refreshing. Look at the trees, at all the birds. Take a walk, a slow walk and really look. When driving be aware of your surroundings. 

Take pictures of everything. Not for posting. But for memories. Don't we all love to look back at old pictures and remember things we forgot we experienced.

And as I said before make your room your sanctuary. So that even if you have a bad day atleast you get to find a pleasant room. 

8. Celebrate your small wins 

If not you then who? Celebrate yourself. Celebrating your small wins will motivate you and allow you to appreciate the progress you make. No matter how small progress is progress. 

Your life is yours to live, not anyone else's. You don't need a romantic partner to live a romantic life.You are the main character!