Why me?
I saw a Tik Tok the other day it said
"You have been praying and crying at night asking God -"Why me?"- and God whispered back " why NOT you....?" God didn't sentence you to pain, God trusted you with it. God didn't sentence you to trial, God trusted you with that trial.
I have always found myself asking this question "why me?" Why do I have to go through this? Why do I have to experience this? (I'm probably not the only one) and honestly I never had the answer. Until I came past this Tik Tok, it really had me thinking.

We often like to think "why did/do I HAVE to experience that/this?" but maybe what we must be asking is "why did/do I GET to experience that/this?" Its all about the journey. The things we go through we always grow through. Maybe we go through some things so that we can accept that we are weak and inturn accept God grace that is sufficient in our lives, because sometimes there is nothing that will increase our passion to pursue him more than this pain. Maybe we go through them so that God can work through us to help someone else who will go through the same things.

I believe he gives us enough grace for our pain. Nothing too big that we can not endure. So when we face big things that just might be the measure of how much grace he gives us. The bigger the pain the bigger the grace.

So why not you?
God trusts you with this pain, this trial. You can endure it.

I'm a big believer of everything will always work out. Even if you can't see the way right now. As my dad likes to tell me, Its all going to be alright.