Paradigm Shift

I realise I didn't publish any articles this month. Mainly because I was experiencing creative block and simultaneously I was going through a sort of paradigm shift. 


I have come up with a name for all my readers. I will now be addressing you as Titans!

In short Titans are powerful, influential and destined for greatness!

Creative block

As a creative, creative block is actually quite normal. It could be due to many reasons. I'm not going to spend much time explaining the reasons in this article ( I will in a later article). What I will say is if you ever find your self experiencing creative block: firstly, know that it's completely normal, secondly, that it will last as long as it wants to from weeks, months sometimes years! You just need to learn to take a constructive break and never quit! 


Paradigm Shift 

: an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way

My paradigm shift came after I fully realised that " you can achieve absolutely anything if you believe it in your mind". During the first week of July I was at a training camp. As an athlete I never really thought the thoughts I think become my reality. I knew that I had to mentally prepare myself to be able to withstand tough training. But I was not doing it right, most times I was just accepting that its going to be hard, and I would comfort myself by saying it will be over before I know it, and that's about it. During this camp I did things differently. During practice I would tell myself something along the lines of: 


" I can do hard things " 

" hard sets are only making me better " 

" I love hard sets " 

" pain is weakness leaving the body "

And I would also recite affirmative verses such as: 

" I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength "

Philippians 4:13 


Thats all I did every single session. When I would feel my body getting tired, I would think " pain is weakness leaving the body, let the weakness leave". When coach would say a hard set, I would think " I can do that! I love hard sets " even though I didn't. Slowly I started performing better in training. I was able to drop my times significantly. And it was all because I changed my mindset! So ever since I realised this I have been talking myself into doing things I normally wouldn't, because of limiting beliefs I had of myself. And this can work with anything really, if you believe it you can be it!


There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life at the highest level. You do become your thoughts. If you hold on to limiting beliefs about yourself, I doubt you will ever truly reach your highest potential. Thoughts are energy. Every thought carries an energy level. Your choice : or you choose thoughts which lower your energy level, or you choose thoughts which increase your energy level. It’s in your hands! Or better : it’s in your head! How you will feel and act depends on what you think. Every action and emotion is preceded by a thought. Sometimes you can choose thoughts which block you, or even paralyze you. Instead choose thoughts of reinforcement. Repeating affirmations literally create new pathways in your brain, and change your brain chemistry. Its powerful but all so simple. We download these quotes all the time, but we need to start fully living them. You also need to cut down your information intake expecially on social media, most of that information is doing more harm than good. Once you master this your life will change for the better, and you can achieve absolutely anything! 



Everyone should learn to collaborate with this Intelligence which is organized to react on our intentions and to create with us a life of abundance and happiness.

Imagine if we used 100% of our brain.

When I named this blog "All Mental " It was because I was going to focus on Mental health and talk "all" about it. What I want to add to that is:  " you can achieve absolutely anything it's "All Mental ".

Did you know your brain doesnt know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Once you become the master of your thoughts, you become the master of your life!