1st Birthday 🥰

This blog turns 1 today 😭

Hey Titans, 

Its been a minute! I've been going through some life changes but I will come with new articles very soon! Just felt the need to blog today because its a special day.

When I first started this blog a year ago I was unsure of a bunch of things. I was unsure if this blog would reach the intended audience. I was unsure if my articles would help those in need. I was unsure of the feedback I would get. But the support has been overwhelming and I'm so glad I made this decision. I would like to thank the following 

1. Firstly, Titans, the readers. You are a powerhouse!

2. Secondly my homegirls Sally & Tamia. You've encouraged me. You've supported me. You've edited my articles. Youve lifted me when I was down. This blog wouldn't be here without you. You've displayed to me true, pure friendship. I love you guys endlessly!

3. Thirdly, I would like to thank myself! 17 year old me who chose to stay and get help. And 20 year old me who chose to start this blog and speak up. Its not easy being openly vulnerable. But I'm proud that I had that courage. And I know that his power is made perfect in my weakness. 


4. Lastly, and most importantly I would like to thank God because if it had not been his favour upon my life I would not be the person Iam today or let alone here!

I remember why I launched this blog in this month it was because September is suicide prevention month and this week is suicide prevention week. And I shared my story. I think that's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do but it was worth it. Because through that many people were able to contact me and be honest with what they are going through. That's what this blog is about, not only bringing awareness but also being honest in my journey so that others can benefit from it. One other thing I would like to clarify is that most mental illnesses are treatable and not curable, the goal is not to terminate, the goal is remission or to minimize it so you can live a normal healthy life. Once you understand this life starts to make a bit more sense( I will explain further in my next article). Writing has brought healing. And if there's anyone who's benefited most from this blog its me!

Let's continue to grow together ❤